Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lets be Honest Here,

We all talk to ourselves now and again. Those of use who live solo more so than others I think. Last year in Peru it was really neat to learn spanish through emersion, but there was always lots of American volenteers to speek engish with. NOw i´m the only english speeker arround and I tell you what; I´ve never talked so much to myself in my entire life. Whitch is saying something.

In more EXCITING news: I got myself a real job. And get this: It´s in a BRICK factory as a welder!! Neat!! Blokes and welding, just a little HOT SEX sandwitch if I do say so (and I do). I went yesterday for my first day and negotiations. Pretty sure I´m the first girl the other male employees have ever seen on the job site. Not to mention that I´m white. The double takes we hella entertaining.  The work is Monday - Friday, 8am-6pm, and lunch in included :) Mostly a wet dream for me because if I were in seattle i´ld be in a boat yard. In Peru I´m in a factory that´s under construction because it´s new ie: the welding projects a BIG and way interesting. Ex: I´m making parts for a huge ass machine that transports massive numbers of wet bricks to the oven. The welding team is about 7 people and from what I can tell we´ll all be in small groups working on verious projects. Sigh, what a life¿?

AND!! I have a job on the weekends at a kayaking busines with a other friends. Saturday and sunday I´ll  be playing at the beach for cash :)

All I can say is THANK GOD for Ken at CSR marine in Ballarg for teaching me the ways of welding without holding my hand. With giving me real projects and a new view on working environments. And of course Me´ Rome for letting me weld-in partitions in the building in Africa almost on my own. Experiance is worth HOURS more that a classroom. AND AMEN TO THAT BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cool Beans


  1. Wow! Great sounding jobs! Those guys are in for a new experience!
    Hugs, Mom and John

  2. Absolutely AWESOME EBJ!!! Makes me want to come visit you and see your GREAT BIG smile for myself! SARA
