Friday, May 6, 2011


And suffering from boardom. My schedual as of last week and this is now: tattoo day, help in the kitchen day, gym day. Tattoo, kitchen, gym, tattoo, kitchen, gym. Fun times but i REALLY miss working at the factory.

That job came to a close 2 weeks ago and my group moved to another factory close to Lima. I would have loved to continue with them but get this. . .no girls aloud in that factory. Go figure eh? It´s interesting to be aware of being a woman every day. Stares, whistleing, rules. And shockingly I don´t feel seperat when i´m at the gym. I was quite supprised when i first started attending that there wasn´t a lot of staring and good communication about sharing the equiptment.

Yesterday I was off to the gym and on my way i noteced a HUGE cloud of black smoke towering up through the nieghborhood. Re routing my direction to investigat i found that 4 houses had been burnt to the ground and people where still trying to put out the fire. I was supprised to see hundreds of people just standing arround, some even with empty buckets. I grabed a 5 gallen bucket from a man and started filling is with sand running up to the location of the fire and doucing flames. Another man saw what i was doing and hoped in my line of direction to do the second half with the bucket. He also had a bucket so now we where a good system of two backets i fill and run, he pours. Quite exciting!!

It was an emotional expereance for me because that shit is scary. A gas explosion is how it started and naturally the fire spred to the other houses. Their houses are made of plastic, cheep wood, and often roofs of dryed corn husks. Many screems and crys of pain, stuned faces; truely a devistating accurance. No person or animal was injured but everything inside, all possesions and now part of the sand. I don´t know how one recovers from something like that with no money and no insurance.

In other news,  I sent in my first of two visa applications to the embassy. This is a first for me and i´m head nothing but negative feedback from people pertaining to the impossibilitys. But personally i don´t like people like that who´ld rather sit at home and dwell on imposssibilities. If you don´t TRY you´ll never go anywhere. Even if the outcome is failure it´s NOT failure at all because one moved in a forward direction. STOP inhabilitating ourselves people!

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