Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Sand Becomes Lovely

Yesterday was my first day at the center and I think we may have to make it a part time job thang. They have it pretty set up there. Volenteer parents for child care, a cook in the kitchen, karate/dance/beading classes, and extra curiculars like Bolly(volly ball) and soccer. Neat! I´m going to start the Peruvian version of curves. If you´re gunna have classes for the chitlins, you might as well have classes for the moms who stay at home all day. The rub: getting women here to exercise. . .

In other news on the job front, I´ve got a job helping a family finish their house. They are really great people; dad works and mom tells him what to buy and where to put it in the house. Literaly, she stays at home all day and designs her own house. Delegater, Cool!

Went to the beach where my host brother works for a kayak company that another friend, Haite, ownes. I ended up kayaking for about an our and a half all the way out out out past the mainland points of the bay. It was beautiful! Interesting crabs on shore, huge swells, open ocean, and sunshine dust. When we finaly returned, the kid I was with had a bike that he borrowed me, a fixie, I know, but a BIKE!!!!! He said it was no prob to ride the bike home; so I did. Here´sthe deal: If you try and ride your bike up hill in the sand in Peru you WILL FALL and cut your knee open on a dirty something and cause a commotion with the nieghbors. Definatly the perfect ´´Gringa´´ move. Woops. The mother of a friend instisted on cleaning up my mess and feeding me some sort of pudding relative.


1 comment:

  1. Hi, there, daughter!
    How goes the sand? Snowing heavily here--about 2 inches so far. Cold. May be home today.
    Luvs, mame'
